Wednesday, January 6, 2021

How To Register Atomy Turkey Pre-Launch Phase

Atomy Turkey has already obtained a Direct Sales License from the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic Turkey Government on 12 October 2020. Now Turks in Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Adana, Gaziantep, Konya, Altalya, Kayseri, Mersin, Eskisehir and all over Turkey can register Atomy as a customer, shopping for world quality products made in South Korea at a bargain price while generating a second income part time just from home.

Turkey Atomy Membership Registration Requirements

  • Minimum age of 20 years
  • Register through the global membership website
  • Effective October 20, 2020
Information Required For Registration Atomy Turkey
  1. Name as in identity card
  2. Gender
  3. Date of birth
  4. Email 
  5. Mobile Phone No.
  6. Address
* No verification process required. Additional evidential documents is necessary for switching to distributor members after official opening of Atomy Turkey branch.

Atomy Turkey Global Membership Benefit
  • Can be purchased from the shopping malls of all branches (Except China)
  • Available in 13 languages, including those provided on the global Atomy website (

  1. Go to > Click ‘Atomy Hub’ > Click ‘Join’ button on upper right side
  2. Choose nationality
  3. Choose whether you have a sponsor (Contact me if you need help)
  4. Agree to ‘Required Guideline Before Registration’ & ‘Member Agreement’
  5. Verification
  6. Fill in registration detail
  7. Fill in sponsor information
  8. Global Membership Registration completed 


Registration is only available as a consumer membership.

* What is Consumer Membership? – Consumer Members do not accumulate group PV and commission. Upon the official opening of website in future, the consumer members who comply with required procedures will be approved as a business membership.

** Upon the official opening of branch website in future, the country of members belonged will be automatically changed according to the member's nationality. Please refer to the opening notice in the future as the necessary certification will be announced when the branch opens.

*** The member's name and date of birth must be the same as the identification document. If the member's name and date of birth do not match the information entered in the identification document, switch to the business membership will not be allowed when the branch officially opens.

If you are still confused, for convenience, please complete the pre-registration form below:

Name as per ID:
Date Of Birth:
Address including postal code:
Email Address:
Mobile Number:

Get your own free form like this one.

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